will be held at Soyuzivka Heritage Center in Kerhonkson, NY, beginning Friday, May 18, 2018, through Sunday, May 20, 2018.
In accordance with the By-Laws of the UNA regarding election of delegates to the Convention, the qualifications for delegates, the number of delegates from each Branch and the credentials of delegates are as follows:
The election of delegates and their alternates must be held within 60 days of the announcement of the Convention. Since the Convention was announced on January 12, 2018, the 60-day term for election of delegates and their alternates ends on March 13, 2018.
Delegates and their alternates to which the Branch is entitled shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Branch by the members present. Nominations shall be made from the floor and all candidates will be presented to the membership for a vote. The candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected delegates. Alternate delegates shall be elected by separate vote in similar manner. All tie votes involving alternates shall be immediately resolved by another ballot for the candidates involved. Each member shall be entitled to one vote for each delegate and each alternate authorized to the Branch. Delegates and their alternates must be elected at the same regular Branch meeting. In the event that a delegate fails or is unable to attend a Convention, an alternate shall be seated in his or her place, and remain seated for the balance of the Convention. If a Branch has more than one delegate, the seats of the absent delegates shall be occupied by alternates in the order of the highest number of votes received in the election.
Only UNA members in good standing may be present at the meeting and vote for delegates and their alternates. A member in good standing is one who has a certificate of insurance in the UNA on which dues are being paid. A member who has transferred to extended insurance, or paid-up insurance, or is suspended, may not be present at the meeting nor can he (or she) vote. Members in good standing may vote for delegates and their alternates only in that Branch where they pay dues to the Fraternal Fund. No vote by proxy shall be allowed.
Only those members may be elected as delegates or alternates who are in good standing and have all the qualifications for an officer of the Branch, i.e., have been members of the UNA not less than one year and of their Branch not less than six months, and in which they pay dues to the Fraternal Fund, are over 18 years of age, are of Ukrainian nationality or descent and are not officers or assembly officers, agents or salesmen of any other similar fraternal organization or life insurance company, and are fulfilling all obligations toward the UNA, in particular, have shown active participation in organizational and promotional work for the UNA. No person shall be eligible for delegate or alternate who at any time unjustifiably or maliciously instituted or caused to be instituted any suit, action or proceeding against the UNA either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other member.
Every duly established Branch in good standing in the Association, having 65 or more members who pay in fraternal dues into the Fraternal Fund of the UNA, shall be entitled to representation and vote on all matters to be acted upon at the Convention as follows: Branches having 65 to 129 members inclusive, one delegate; those having 130 to 194 members inclusive, two delegates; those having 195-259 members inclusive, three delegates; those having 260 or more members, four delegates. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote. No Branch shall be entitled to more than four votes.
A Branch having less than 65 members, for the purpose of representation at the Convention, may unite with another Branch also having less than 65 members and if, when combined, the aggregate of the two Branches shall be no less than 65 members who pay dues in these Branches to the Fraternal Fund, they shall have the right to elect one delegate. Unless otherwise agreed by the mutual consent of both Branches, the Branch having the greater number of members shall be entitled to elect the delegate, and the Branch having the lesser number of members, the alternate.
Credentials of delegates and their alternates must be sent to the Home Office of the UNA within 10 days of the election, but no later than 60 days prior to the Convention.
Parsippany, NJ, January 12, 2018
MICHAEL KOZIUPA, First Vice-President
EUGENE OSCISLAWSKI, Second Vice-President
MYRON GROCH, Director for Canada
YURIY SYMCZYK, National Secretary